Mansukhbhai Kothari National School has been successful in achieving the British Council, International Dimension in Schools Certificate (IDS) for the period 2020-23. Receiving this prestigious award is a fantastic achievement and a credit to all involved in the project. The IDS certificate and trophy was received by Ms. Varsha Kokil – Principal, Ms. Arti Kothari – Chairperson, Mr. Pradeep Shrivastava – Trustee, Mr. Mayur Shah- Director

We are proud to announce that our Principal, Dean Academics and Teachers were awarded the British council
Action Research Mentoring Scheme (ARMS) certificates for successfully completing the ARMS project in MKNS.
These certificates were handed over at a felicitation ceremony from the hands of our beloved management team
We are proud to announce that Teachers were awarded certificates for their hard work and dedication in improvising the teaching learning process.
These certificates were handed over at a felicitation ceremony by our beloved management team- Arti ma’am- Chairperson, Pradeep Shrivastava- Trustee, Mayur Shah- Director on Friday 25th February 2022.